Santa - Fisherman | Anita's Santas

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Anita Baptiste is from a small town near Cape Cod, Massachusetts.  As a child, she aspired to become a fashion designer.  Anita would collect scrap pieces of fabric and sew them into clothes for her dolls.   Anita had the ability to see various textures and color combinations, then envision what she wanted to make with them.  She is a graduate of Swain School of Design in New Bedford, Massachusetts, majoring in Fashion Design. Also studied at
Massachusetts College of Art in Boston
Onsite study in Italy and France
9 years as Head Designer at three design houses in Montreal, Canada 3 years as a Gift Shop owner in Hyannis.
 When Anita moved to Arizona, she left the fashion world and opened a small boutique on 5th Avenue in Scottsdale.  Her love for southwestern flair began at this store.  Southwestern colors and textures began to consume her with new inspiring designs.  Anita began exploring new ideas until something unique and wonderful emerged.  She put together combinations of natural resources, such as: antlers, various feathers and pelts, fur and natural fibers.  Everything has grown from this core concept.   Anita has made southwestern wall décor, decorative pillows, baskets, and the most popular of her line, Santas.  Her work can be found in many famous actors' and singers' homes.
This beautiful Santa is 16" tall, materials include red fox fur, pheasant, peacock and turkey feathers.

Product Overview

Anita Baptiste is from a small town near Cape Cod, Massachusetts.  As a child, she aspired to become a fashion designer.  Anita would collect scrap pieces of fabric and sew them into clothes for her dolls.   Anita had the ability to see various textures and color combinations, then envision what she wanted to make with them.  She is a graduate of Swain School of Design in New Bedford, Massachusetts, majoring in Fashion Design. Also studied at
Massachusetts College of Art in Boston
Onsite study in Italy and France
9 years as Head Designer at three design houses in Montreal, Canada 3 years as a Gift Shop owner in Hyannis.
 When Anita moved to Arizona, she left the fashion world and opened a small boutique on 5th Avenue in Scottsdale.  Her love for southwestern flair began at this store.  Southwestern colors and textures began to consume her with new inspiring designs.  Anita began exploring new ideas until something unique and wonderful emerged.  She put together combinations of natural resources, such as: antlers, various feathers and pelts, fur and natural fibers.  Everything has grown from this core concept.   Anita has made southwestern wall décor, decorative pillows, baskets, and the most popular of her line, Santas.  Her work can be found in many famous actors' and singers' homes.
This beautiful Santa is 16" tall, materials include red fox fur, pheasant, peacock and turkey feathers.