Russian Silver

Russian Silver

Russian SilverPrior to the Russian revolution, especially from the mid-1800's through 1910, Russia was celebrated as producing some of the finest silver work anywhere in the world. For decades, the Russians had looked at European craftsmanship, and farsighted leaders such as the czarina Katherine the Great had ordered the creation of work-centers in Russia to produce fine jewelry, porcelain, silver and gold objects of art that would eventually equal and even surpass those of Europe at that time. Russian silver work began to rise.

Unique designs of silverware, tableware, samovars, Russian tea-sets and tea caddies, vodka drinking glasses (kvosh), sculpture, jewelry, enamelware, lacquer, ceremonial weapons, picture frames, orthodox crosses, icons and other decorative items were painstakingly crafted by the finest Russian silversmiths. Their reputation for workmanship indeed came to be considered the finest in quality, and the hallmarks of the finest work masters that were stamped to enhance each brand became widely known and collectible.

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